Friday, October 15, 2010

One of the Gang

My dick head of a boss totally sold me out today. I had mentioned a few days ago that the ladies in my area are incredibly loud and distracting. I know we talked about it because he says he doesn’t hear them but they are literally RIGHT OUTSIDE HIS OFFICE. I told him he must tone people out better than me and we chuckled about it. I even mentioned that another lady that sits further away from them then him had mentioned something to me and we compared stories about how loud they can be.

To his credit, he did ask me if I wanted him to say thing about it to their boss and I said NO because their boss is another dick head who will sell you down the river in a heartbeat. I think he would even sell his mother if it made him look good. And I know he wouldn’t keep names out of the comments because he’s done it before with me. When he asked me how one of his people were doing…I stupidly told him. It wasn’t one day later and I was getting very terse looks and a very snotty email about how I thought she wasn’t doing her job. I had specifically told him that I did not want him to share that with her, it was just me venting to him. I was FURIOUS with him after that. I even confronted him about it and I do not do confrontation. He apologized and I had to suck up to the lady for the next month so she wouldn’t hate me and not do anything I asked her to do.

Well, she’s one of the ladies that is incredibly loud and I have not heard her once today and I know she’s been on the phone. And she won’t even look at me. I’m pretty sure I’m not paranoid about this. But then again, 3 of the 4 ladies are gone today and it’s been a dream….

So now, I have to deal with my boss. I want to just go ask him but he’s been in meetings all day. And I really want to talk to the lady to see what was said. I guess it shouldn’t matter. It’s been said and now I have to deal with it. It’s just that I’ve worked really hard to build a relationship with this group. I don’t make friends easily and I really hate it when I’m treated like I’m the village idiot. And I’ve never really fit in with these ladies. I’m treated like a boss when I’m not even their boss. I’m not asked to lunch or to go out for drinks after work. I’m not asked about looking through their jewelry magazines that they’re trying to sell. I am actually spoken around when I’m physically by them. I don’t know how many times I have heard all of them AND the admin talk about going to lunch and drinks and I’m not even included. There are the bagels every so often and no one will come tell me…it’s not like I’m sitting on the other side of the floor. And I didn’t get a birthday card from the group this year. I’m usually the only September birthday but I didn’t get a card or even someone offering to take me to lunch.

Now….this could all be in my head and nothing is wrong. But I don’t think this is the case. I’m pretty sure my boss sold me down the river.

Man, this makes me sound like a whiny baby…but the thing is, I never cared about this stuff. I didn’t want to make idle chit chat with someone. It was such a waste of time; getting to know these people. I really had zero desire or energy for it. But lately I’m more inclined to be one of the gang. I’d love for someone to ask me to lunch. They all stand around and talk over the walls to each other and I’m not included…I sound so cheesy for this I guess. I know that part of the problem is me and I have to make the effort to include myself sometimes. And I have to make the first move to get them to be open and friendly with me. But sometimes I truly just DO NOT give a shit. I’d rather get through my stuff and then go home. No one knows my personal life. No one knows what I like to do on the weekends (which I’m not even sure I know what I like to do on the weekends). I kind of like that I have that place to go to that no one from work knows about.

While I don’t think I’ll ever win a popularity contest (and I would not know what to do if I did), I’d like to have “work friends”…guess I’ve got to work harder at it.  That's what I'm told a lot about making relationships; work harder.  How eff'ing hard do I have to work?  I'm tired already.

1 comment:

  1. It is exhausting! I feel your pain sister! I work with a bunch of ladies, also. I can remember about 8 or 9 years ago telling one of them I just wanted to be liked and included. I would throw parties and invite everyone! I would cook for them and bring stuff into the office. I would suggest we all go out to VENT about work. This all happened. I was fun for the hour or two it lasted. In the end, they went home an no one called me or sent me an email or remembered my birthday. Then I felt used! How silly. I gave and gave and got nothing in return. Story of my life. Then I was left to just stick to myself and not include myself in their stuff. I felt I was forcing the matter. WTF! Did I have this huge ass hair hanging out of my nose? or a big fucking stain on my pants? I don't know why "we" feel excluded in certain situations. I know where I do fit in and that brings me comfort. For the rest of them...fuck them! I would conduct business as usual as if you never said anything. See what assumptions that leads them to. Let them weave their web and you will go home refreshed not spending all your energy fretting about it. You are better than that and can offer so much. Give it to people who appreciate those things about you. It feels much better......p.s....i want my serenity pillow!
