Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.

I do not understand the hang up over this. If you have 2 people that love each other, want the same things in life and are willing to work at their relationships…why can they not have the same things available to them that I, as a heterosexual, have available to me? I know a couple of gay people and their love is no different than my love. So what if they have sexual relations that are different then what I have. Who says that is the right way to have them?

And the God issue….I truly honestly deeply believe that God does not care that two people of the same gender have sexual relations and are not your typical family and possibly want to have children some day. Wouldn’t God want those people to be happy? At least my God would want that. And I know that there are passages in the bible about this but I hope you remember that the Bible (while God’s word) is not written by God. I think God’s version would be a lot different than the version of 2000 years ago. But that is just my opinion.

I may never marry again and I see people having an issue with that too. So what is the big deal with marriage? I know that it’s messy from a divorce. I know that the only thing different is a piece of paper because insurance and financial issues are becoming more geared toward non-traditional couples. I don’t have to have my name changed. I can pay for my half of the utilities (well, hopefully soon I can do this). I can put someone as my beneficiary and not be married to them. I can give someone power of attorney over my dealings without being married. So what is marriage for anymore?

Maybe I’m jaded about marriage. It’s not like my divorce was messy or damaging. Well, it was damaging. It crippled me. But it wouldn’t have been any different if I hadn’t been married and he just wanted to break up. I may have seen marriage as forever and by not marrying someone, it makes it easier for me to detach myself from someone. This all may change if I meet someone and I may feel like I want to marry them. I don’t know…but I do know that it’s not going to be the #1 item on my list once I meet someone. If anything, I’ll be more hesitant to get involved with someone. I’ve had the opportunities to do so but I’ve pushed back. Most of them because they were minimum wage baby daddy drama guys and I seriously DO NOT want that.

This has kind of gotten off topic so I’ll sum it up like this…ANYONE should have the ability to marry someone, get insurance for a partner, be present in the hospital with a loved one and be treated as a couple should be treated; regardless of sexual orientation. We are all God’s children and he would want our lives to achieve the happiness that he has promised us if we live a life that follows in the footsteps of Him.

1 comment:

  1. True... We are all God's children and I believe He wants us to be happy and fruitful. However that may happen is totally up to us. I find homosexual partners kinda cute. I don't mean that is a "Gay Way". They seem more genuine to me. Not sure why....I am not attracted to the same sex, but I am not above telling someone of the same sex my opinion regarding their outfit, figure, hair, or shoes. What is normal? I, frankly, think there are plenty of heterosexual people that exhibit a more weird sexual conduct than a homosexual. I think people should just mind their own business. Deal with their own issues and leave other to their own. It is what it is. Don't judge. Only God does that and he waits for the game to be over befor doing so.
