Sunday, October 10, 2010

Yet Again....

I spent the last 2 days, sitting in my own head and hating every minute of it.  I swear I look like I have all my shit together and I seriously do not.  I am spinning my wheels so bad right now that even I don't know what is right and what is wrong.  I'm getting wrapped up in things that are taking up my time and I am not doing other things that I truly need to be doing.  I guess I feel like I'm a little out of control.  Maybe it's the weekend but I don't think I'm doing as well as I would like to think I am.

I'm going to spend this next week really delving into my head and attitude.  Lately they have both been crazy and unlike me. I've got some issues to get taken care of and I keep dragging my feet about them.

I have a lot I want to write about but feel like it wouldn't be understood. Not in the sense that you wouldn't understand me but rather I don't feel like I would be able to write it properly to make you understand. My head is so full of just junk...I feel like I'm under this wet wool blanket and I can't find the end of it.

I've got to get in front of someone soon to get this addressed.

I'm going to continue to do the post a day for 30 days; going over the subjects that I outlined here but I need a day or two to get back on track. As much as I'd like to say I'm surprised that I haven't been able to keep to doing it every day...I'm not because I don't know that I've been consistent with anything in my life.  Another issue I need to address I guess.

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