Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

I have been told that I have pretty eyes…I do not see this. I have never seen it. But I get it all the time. I’m organized and a good planner. I am always on time. I am a good listener and I give good advice. I’m a good cook and I am giving. But…I try not to listen to people giving me compliments because I know better. I know that people compliment me on a lot of different things and I am always appreciative about it but I also immediately contradict them because I couldn’t possibly be good at that or look like that or treat others like that. Don’t they know that I’m worthless? That I can’t do it perfectly? That I shudder at the thought of failing at something? I do not take compliments well….

But I want to. Who doesn’t want to excel at something and be recognized for it? It’s natural. And I feel that way too but I just can’t understand that I may actually be good at something. I don’t give myself enough credit; I sell myself short. I know all of this because I’m told all of this by everyone. And I know, deep down, that I am actually good at some things. That I do excel in some areas but I get so embarrassed when someone points it out to me and I set the stage with my rejection of it so they don’t think I’m bragging or getting a big head. I guess I can chalk it up to wanting attention and the more I deny, the more they push. I think that is a character defect of mine; the need for constant affirmation. I let people set my sense of worth.

I know what I would like to be complimented on: My vitality, my sense of adventure, my love of laughter. I’d like to be complimented on my dependability. I would like to be recognized for my giving nature; giving of my time, talents, love and friendship. I want people to think that I am a person that would be able to take a compliment and appreciate the fact that I’m surprised by it.

Mostly…I’d like to take a compliment (whatever it may be for) and smile, blush maybe and thank them for acknowledging me but telling them it’s not necessary because I’m aware in my inner core that I’m OK.


  1. The first thing I noticed when I met you in person was what a beautiful color yours eyes are.

    You know what I would like to compliment you on? I like that you are unapologetically you.

  2. Tracy - that is actually the nicest thing someone has said to me in a very long time.
