Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days

This is a great thing for me. I love music…more specifically, I like MY music. Not that I’m a musician but rather I only want to listen to the music I like. For awhile there it was just 80’s music…for 4 years, it was only 80’s music on my satellite radio. I would only put 80’s music on my iPod, etc… Then I got rid of my satellite radio and I started listening to different music. I would try out hard rock; which I kind of like. I was trying out Top 40 music and sometimes liking. I stuck to iTunes and their recommendations. And I was checking out CD’s from the library that were typically not something I would listen to…just to branch out. You can read here for some of my thoughts on music in general.

But I can’t narrow it down to just one artist or band. I do have tendencies to listen to a song or album over and over and over, until I can’t listen anymore. But there are definitely songs that affect me. Some are just favorites but then there are some that just mean something to me. They usually happen to me when I’m going through something that requires me to deal with an emotion. I truly believe that God talks to me through music. I don’t know how many times I would be hurt or upset, angry or frustrated and a song would come on that totally soothes me. And I know that sounds crazy because it’s music that I’ve put on my iPod and so I know it will cycle through but it really does come at a time where I need to hear it.

When I went through the divorce, I would cling to songs that were about break up and letting go. After the first year or so, the songs were about getting back together. And then now, it’s about finding the strength to go it alone. To be enough. They come across as break up songs and I guess they are to an extent but Pieces and I Feel Bad by Rascal Flatts is what I'm listening to. Kelly Clarkson has an album out that is pretty much about breaking up.  Pink too.  Both that I have my playlist right now.  They come across like the practice husband is holding me back but it’s the exact opposite. I’m holding on to him because I’m just so afraid to let go and be on my own. This is another blog I need to write so suffice it to say that I’m listening to music to prepare myself to let go.

Right now I'm in a dilemma because I lost my headphones and they were great headphones. Expensive too but they were great. I have no idea where I lost them. I take my iPod with me everywhere and so I always have my headphones.  They must have dropped out somewhere between work, car, car, I have this cheap ass pair that only one ear bud works and they are just terrible quality.  I'm going to save up for a new pair of headphones and just deal with the crappy ones until then.

But music is always going to be my savior.  When I need to shut the world out and just calm down.  I put my headphones on (even the crappy ones) and just lose myself to the music and the words and the calming
blue that I see when I listen to music.  It’s like mediation for me.  I can stop listening to the committee that’s in my head and be still.  That is what music does for me.

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