Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I had committed to this 30 days of posting and I got to day 20 but honestly...I just don't want to do it anymore.  The last 10 are kind of "bleh" for me...I take that back.  There are a couple that are very interesting to me; something that I would like to write about.  But thats like 3 of the 10.  So I may do those three and then call it good.  I told you I wasn't good at commitment and I tend to half ass you'll get 23 or so of the 30...that'll have to be good.

In related news that is not related at all....I changed my status on Facebook to "In a Relationship with Mr Burke"...I have wanted to change my relationship status since I was on Facebook...  I see all these other people do it and I was jealous.  Thankfully, Mr Burke accepted my request for changing my status to linking our lives together.  That was a relief.

I got a wide range of responses.  My brother said "What is this?" like he was asking what the hell I was thinking.  A couple of my friends made comments about the fact that we hadn't talked for awhile because this was a shock.  I think my friends and family have gotten so used to me being single that the thought of me actually dating someone is going to mess with their minds.  Some people wanted to know what the story was.  The real reason was that I just wanted to announce to every 164 people that I am friends with that I finally got a guy to want to commit to me...

I like to gloat...

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