Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm drinking...

Horrible picture quality - my cell phone sucks

I think I've established that I have a drinking problem.  We all know this.  So it should come as no shock to you that I think I have a bigger, more major problem then alcohol.

On average, I will go to Quik Trip maybe every other day.  I will always go in with at least 1 drink I'm going to get.  Usually Diet Coke. But ultimately, every time, I'll throw in an additional drink.  One of the smoothies.  Both of them in a 52oz cup.  Let's take a moment and digest that.  

That is 104 oz of liquid that I will drink/slurp down in about 4 hours.  Usually less....Because I very rarely get through a whole work day without going for one or two more sodas.  Either from the vending machine or brought from home.  And it's the bottles. No cans.  Don't like the metallic taste.

I think this classifies me as "having an issue".  I'm hooked on this stuff.

Unfortunately my dealer doesn't deliver.  Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Quik Trip.  I really do. But at $2.80 a pop, it starts to get a little expensive.  You look at it as a daily total, not that big. But put it into context and you get about $34 a month.  That's some majore money for drinking 104 ounces three times a week.  I'm QT's favorite junkie!

In resaurants, I'll go through 4 - 5 glasses of water/tea/soda.  I honestly feel bad for servers because they constantly have to bring me more drinks. And I seem to be the only one that does that.  I've tried to pace myself but I honestly drink more then I eat.  It's crazy.

At home, I'll go through about 2 more 52oz glasses (these are used ones from QT).  Typically it's iced tea or some Crystal Light packets.  And I'll take one of those 52oz cups to bed with me.  I'll drink on it overnight and use it for my pills in the morning.  I very rarely finish the whoe 52oz.  So you may ask why I don't do smaller glasses?  Because this is the biggest one they have.  If they had a 60 oz, I'd drink a 60oz.  I'm of the "bigger is definitely" better tribe.  And I like my drinks in excess.

I have about 15 52 oz cups from Quik Trip in my cupboards. I have tons of straws and tons of lids.  I think I might have a 44oz cup somewhere but I am not really sure 1) why I have it and 2) what I would do with it.

Suffice it to say, I need to watch my QT spending.  Keep it up and I'm going to have to join a 12 step program for QT.

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