Saturday, September 18, 2010

They never get it right

My horoscope for the day....if this said the exact opposite, I'd believe it.  Besides....I have no love life, in or out of the bedroom.

Remember to allow the organized piece of your being to spill over into every aspect of your life, Shannon. It could be that you are fine at keeping your finances, your home, and your work situation orderly and under control, but when it comes to love, all sense of rationalization goes out the window. Make sure you are as disciplined with yourself in the bedroom as you are in your office.

What the hell do they know?

1 comment:

  1. That is so far off base! I hate it when mine read that way....It is like some little gremlin is fucking with me. Taunting me from a typewriter kind of shit....maybe that is just a bit of my paranoia...maybe.
