Friday, September 17, 2010

She's Sneaky...

My dog Sammie loves to sleep upstairs on my bed when I am not home.  Typically I put them in the spare room and when I get home, I let them out.  During the night, they do get to sleep with me.  But I have lately been leaving them out during the day.  I come home from work and they are not at the door to greet me, the little bastards.  They are typically upstairs on my bed.

I make my bed every morning but not right away.  When I get up in the morning and take my shower I inevitably come back to this.  I have to shoo her off so I can get the bed made.  And she grunts and groans when I try to push her over to the end of the bed so I can make it.  I know she's getting old and crotchety but's my spot.

She puts out an ENORMOUS amount of fur.  I mean it gets so bad on my carpets that you'll walk through the apartment and get fur caught in between your toes...that just makes me gag thinking about it....But part of that is my fault. I don't brush her as often as I should and I've thought about shaving her.  But dogs sometimes grow their hair back differently once shaved and she's a pretty dog.  So I just brush and hope she'll stop shedding at some point.  They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results....for 12 years I've been doing the same thing over and over again and I expect her to suddenly become hairless.  I know what she thinks about it...if she sheds enough, then she gets brushed to calm the invasion and she loves the attention!  You think dogs are pretty smart but I think I have the  smartest dog out there because she knows how to manipulate me.

She's sneaky like that...

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