Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I knew it was too good to be true

I spent no money on Sunday and Monday.  None...not even a soda.  And I was getting a little cocky...I had a doctor's appointment today and I knew I was getting a prescription that I was going to have to fill.  And I fill at Target.  So I was prepping myself for just going in and out.  No spending. Nothing I needed.

So what did I do?  I stopped at the thrift shop next to the doctor's and just told myself I was going to look for a bar stool to go with my work table. Assuming I wouldn't find anything.  Well, $10 later I have a dress, a $4 bar stool, a jean jacket and a skirt.

And then Target.  They have Honey Crisp apples!!!  I absolutely love Honey Crisp apples...LOVE THEM.  So I had to buy 4 and then there was a coupon at the pharmacy counter for $0.50 off Target brand fabric softener (which I need) and I found some for $2.29 (and then $0.50 off) and I found a little sign that says "The Witch Is In" which I have been wanting to find one to put up in my office since I'm kind of known as being the bitch at work.  So that was another $13 at Target.  That's $23 in one day.  It's still less then it normally would have been....I can justify it in some sense...

I have no plans for the rest of the week that will mean I need to spend money.  I do have plans for Sunday that I would like to spend something but I'm going to take cash and leave my card in the car.

I hate this whole not spending money thing....why can't I meet some tall, handsome, well endowed and filthy rich man?

And after all that?  I never filled my prescription.

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