Monday, September 20, 2010

One of those days...

I should have known...overslept, dogs took forever to do their "business", got to work about 30 minutes late and I had a day full of meetings.  Only to realize at 10:15, that one of my buildings is completely down with no all.  Not even a few.  Like zero....

  • And no, it's not a power outage because your computer is still on. 

  • And no, I can't make our service provider come to your desk and type your work.

  • Yes we've called them. 

  • No, you don't need to call them. 

  • OK, I appreciate your ability to tell me what's wrong with the network. 

  • Please don't ask to get in my network room. 

  • I bet you're angry about getting to stand around and talk to all your coworkers about how much of a screw up IT is.

  • Yes I'm sure that we have the highest executives working on it.

  • I know that your home internet is faster and doesn't go down all the time.

  • I'm sure Time Warner would love our business

  • Maybe you can go home but maybe you should ask your supervisor

  • No, the security guard does not know what's going on

  • Please don't give my phone number out to everyone on the 3rd floor so they can call me to ask what the status is

  • I do understand you can't work....just as I am not able to work because I'm on the phone with all of the 3rd floor

  • Well maybe you should go home

  • I hope you are able to come in in the morning too

  • I'll be sure and let the president of your division know that you are very upset with me and IT

  • Yes I realize that it is now 3pm and you have not been able to work all day. 

  • Maybe you should have listened to your supervisor when they told you to go home and work.

  • Wow, look at that, the service came up.

  • I know that our Service Provider should pay us for the productivity that you lost

  • Please be sure and tell my supervisor that I just walked the floor and told people to be patient, he would love to hear that from you.

99.6% upage over the last year for our network and the 0.4% is when I get to hear the best advice I have ever heard. 

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