Saturday, September 25, 2010

International Coastal Cleanup 2010

I participated in the International Coastal Cleanup for 2010.  I'm in Kansas...we don't do coasts...but we do have some wicked streams.  So I volunteered this Saturday from 9 - 12.  I made it til 11.  In my defense, I got there around 8:45 and got started right away!

I went alone for the first 30 minutes and then glommed onto this mother-daughter-mother in law team that were rocking!  Bailey is 6 and was a cheerleader.  In the truest sense.  I think she lasted the whole 2 hours because I kept poking her with a coat hanger I found in the first 3 minutes.  I know her mom was amazed that she lasted as long as she did.

The mother-in-law works at my company and was vaguely familiar. As familiar as you can be with a company that has almost 9,000 employees worldwide but I still sit in the same building as her and there are only 3,000 of us here in KC.  So we kind of bonded over that.

The Mom of Bailey was super nice and I've totally forgotten her name but a true "Cupcake County" mom. But still kind of cool.

I had all intentions of hitting on the single engineer geek that walked in after me but he slipped my noose and managed to find himself in the middle of the stream, wading his way back and forth.  Trying to be a true do-gooder.  Show off.

I posted this on FB but it bears repeating...note to self....tuck pants into rain boots next year, you idiot!  Even 6 year old Bailey figured that out.

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