Friday, September 3, 2010

Shameless plug

I follow this blog.  I am actually friends with her on Facebook.  I get a kick out of that...I have like 230 friends on FB and I know maybe 1/2 of them.  Tracy is not one I have met but am looking forward to it...and she has some really funny stuff.  We kind of have the same humor.  But I wanted to plug her in case you were looking for more blogs to read.  Not to mention, she's a great writer and definitely not a Prima Donna....OK, maybe a little bit.

Click Here

Ok that enough?  Can I have my dog back?


  1. Well, I was going to bring him back, then the "prima donna" comment. I have to check with my dog, Lilly, who's the real prima donna around her. She grows weary of him and with a backhand wave of her paw dismisses him.

  2. did you just ask her out on a date? maybe meet at the dog park...
