Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh My God Becky....

This was the song on my iPod this morning on my way to work.

I can recite this song (especially the Valley Girl beginning) from memory.  I can't help this. I spent many hours in my beat up old Prelude, cruising East Wash in Madison, WI with a couple of girlfriends with this and several other kick ass songs.  I had a mix tape (yes, I said tape) with a lot of songs on it that remind me of that time and I can't find it. Not like I can use it but I would like to remember all the songs so I could go back and download them from iTunes.  The memories are strong in this one. One of the few times that I was out with friends in High School.  But then again, music speaks to me.

I was on a cruise one time with my practice husband and another couple and we went to a karaoke night and this red headed skinny white girl got up and killed this song. She got a standing O from everyone.


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