Friday, September 24, 2010

Toaster you get it?

I'm kind of out of things to say this week.  It's been one of those weeks where it didn't move fast enough but it also screamed by.

I think I have made a decision to start looking for a different job. I used to love my job. Everything about it. I got to make million dollar decisions, I managed people and expectations and I got a kick out of fixing things that were broken.  I especially loved the ability to create structure where there was chaos. 

But lately, it's been hard to not be bitter about the fact that I am totally unappreciated.  IT is never known for getting kudos and I'm OK with that. I understand that.  But every so often? It'd be nice to get a little know, throw me a bone....

It's hard for people to understand that the IT field is not known for getting a lot of praise. I equate a toaster to this analogy.  You use a toaster every day to toast your bagel.  Every morning, you get up and pop a bagel in the toaster, push the lever down and then walk away...knowing you'll get a toasted bagel at the end of the process.

Now, the lever pops up and your bagel is toasted.  You think nothing of it because that is what it is supposed to do.  Of course you should never expect anything different.

But one day...your toaster doesn't toast your bagel.  You push on the lever, you jiggle the plug, you might even stick a knife in it to jab at the heating elements...but still, no toasted bagel.

That is when the shit hits the fan.  Good Gosh Damn...what the hell?  Stupid toaster. Can't beleive that it would do this to me right now.  Especially when I wanted a toasted bagle.  Now I can't even have that.  This day is going to suck.  And you carry that shit around with you all day.  Snapping at co-workers...messing around with the office supplies instead of working.  Plotting your revenge on the guy that sold you the toaster.  Rallying against the fact that you couldn't have one FLIPPIN' bagle that morning.  You're whole day ruined.  All because one portion of your life, the one that you depend on every day, did not deliver.

So, you go buy a new toaster and your unceremonially dump the old one in the trash.  Never thinking about the mornings you shared over toasted bagels. Never realizing that, maybe, you should have treated the toaster a bit better.  You know, gave it a good nudge occasionally. Just to let it know that you appreciate its efforts to get you going in the morning.  Getting you in the right frame of mind to start the day. 

So, moral of the story?  Hug your IT guy/gal today and let them know you appreciate the fact that your computer, printer, server, copier 99% of the time.  Yes there are times when they don't work but can you really go forever with NOTHING breaking?

And you might want to announce your intent to hug so you don't get a punch in the nose.

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