Thursday, September 2, 2010

Horoscope for 09/02/10

This was my horoscope for today....

When the day is spent, you'll look back on it as a most unusual one, Shannon. Wild ideas sprouted in your head like mushrooms on a fertile marsh. You may have imagined leaving immediately for a trip around the world, or drawn up preliminary plans for an innovative housekeeping invention, or visualized an entirely new career in the virtual-reality business. Don't dismiss these ideas as totally unrealistic. They are not...

I don't think mushrooms on a fertile marsh is very sexy...But in my world?  This would be considered DELUSIONAL and I'd have to take extra pills....and not the mushroom type of "pills"

1 comment:

  1. I think the virtual reality business works for you. The problem with people like us.....we don't need a pill to put our minds in a mushroom cloud. Our minds are crazy is! Reminds me of an Alice in Wonderland kinda theme!
