Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guess who's coming to dinner

I spent 2 1/2 hours with some very lovely people this last Saturday.  My  church puts on these dinners for 10.  Couples sign up and for one night a month, you go to a host house and 8 to 10 people converge together for food and fellowship.  The house I was at Saturday had 9 people. I made that the odd number because I'm the single girl.

And they were all so very nice to me. They are people that have bible studies together and their children or grandchildren know everybody. It was casual get together but I never know with these church people. So I wore a little black and white polka dot dress and my purple converse. I thought that was a good compromise.  But I'm "that girl"...I got, Oh, you're the one with the funny/silly/not really a car car...I explained that it is in fact a car. And that it did not have a little opening at the bottom so that I can run with my car...a la Flintstones...and yes, I really did have to say that.

And I got a lot of interesting questions about my tattoos.  Not really questions about the why, where and who...but it was a lot of "oh my, that's a big one there" or the famous "that must have hurt"

So I became "that girl"...not woman but girl.  They got a kick out of my job and my ability to handle computers and so on...and then of course, you have to add that I am the token "single" and I must be so lonely and let's take care of Shannon so she can make it through life...blah blah blah

But, this whole post is about the food. Holy Shit I do not know what the hell was served as the main course. I honestly have never seen it before. It was ground beef, peas, mushrooms and I think barley.  It looked like there were little bugs in the food.  I took one look at it and I knew I wasn't eating any of it.  So I put a VERY small amount on my plate and the hostess said "silly, you need to eat, I bet you haven't eaten all day...pile that up!!!" Crap...and then whoever the genius was that crockpotted green beans, tomatoes an onions about 6 hours before the meal, delivered a glob of mismatched veggies. Couldn't even spoon it out it was like mush.  And then I brought nice loaf of French bread.  That was the only thing I ate and even that was ruined because their butter was off.

I managed to get 3 chewed forkfuls down. And the next 2 were attempts by me to just swallow whole with my drink.  But there was not enough tea/water/coffee/rainwater/radioactive sludge to chock it all down with.  So I moved it around my plate enough that I think I got away with it.

Then dessert was brought out and it actually sounds like a good idea but had a HUGE pucker factor. She had done 2 containers of raspberry yogurt, one box of raspberry jello (you do not make, you simply put the powder in the yogurt) and then a container of Cool Whip.  This thing was NEON pink.  And you took a bite and I instantly felt a surge of sugar go through me and I became so jittery I was acting like I was tweaked on Meth (not that I know what that feels like).  I thought my ADHD was going to make me start punching the walls. 

And these older people were calmly talking about window replacement and how their grandchildren were playing with call phones instead of interacting with family members. They never asked my opinion but if they had I would have told them that my phone's umbilical cord had not been cut yet so I still had to burp it and change it's battery every so often.

I ended the night with a quick Thank You and headed home.  I'm scheduled for the next one to be the 9th of October. I'm going to eat before I go.

1 comment:

  1. Odd, I don't remember eating with anyone Saturday night. Oh! This story is about you!?! This sounds exactly like something that would happen to me and what I would think about it. Weird. But good weird. :D I like this one.
