Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Worth Saving?

Do I need saving?  And I don't mean in a JC kind of saving but I guess do I need saving from myself?  I mean, like an intervention.  I've had a "mini" intervention and I like to think that went well.  But when is the next time coming?  I don't want to beg for these things...interventions should never be horrible although many times they are, but I think they should be positive.  What?  You say I'm not a good person and not good person for me to be around?  How can I change for you and do you promise to stick by me?  Then, yes, I think interventions are a good thing.  As long as I approve of what you're going to booby trap me with and that I get to go somewhere for help that serves Crab Legs, orange juice, an assortment of fruits I like and vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.  Maybe some slight compromise but I would sign off on that. Sure...

So, why talking of interventions?  Mostly because it popped into my head as I was going back over this post and realized I kind of go in and out of topic on this one.  Shocking, I know, but I'm easily distracted and can (read WILL) make bad decisions.  Lately it's mostly around money.  But that, in and of itself, doesn't mean I need to be saved, right?  So what does it take to get saved?  In regards to me?

Ending up in a corner and having no one to go to becuase I need to find the right way of spinning this.  And that is kind of what I am doing here.  I'm testing my angles and possible results. I am always able to get around things without taking responsibility.  At 36....I am not a responsible adult.  And I tend to find myself in really bad situations. But I never go into them with the thought that I should probably run this through someone else or to ask questions that I never think of until after the fact or if someone asks if I thought to ask.  I'm rubbish with things like that.  Maybe because I just assume everything will take care of itself.  But this time, I don't think there is going to be a saving.

I have managed to get myself so far into debt that I'm not going to be able to buy a can of soda until closer to November.  And while I do exaggerate many times, this time is not me exaggerating.  This was all as a result of poor decisions on my part.  I do this all the time.  And I usually get by because I ask for help.  But not this time, because there is no one left to ask.  I have sucked my sources dry.  And even if I hadn't abused them, I would still have to learn my lesson somehow.  And now is as good of time as any.

So, I know I'm resourceful and I can do problem solving and I've already started that.  I have started on the plan of action and I'm going to try to figure out ways to cut money. Some of that means that the loans I have with people (which I am eternally grateful for) are going to go unpaid for a few months.  This is unfair of me and I'm going to make apologies (not promises) and explain to them what I am going to be able to do in the future.

This is a good opportunity for me to recreate my lifestyle into one that is more realistic.  No more Starbucks and no more soda's from the cafeteria (or anywhere really). I'm going to become a pro at grocery shopping and keeping or coming under my budget.  Going places that would 1) allow me to spend money or 2)is not necessary to my budget is going to be cut.  Thus, hopefully, cutting down on my gas budget.  I have so much money budgeted a month for gas and groceries and its going to be interesting to see what I can return to the account for the next month's allocations.  I see this as an adventure not a burden.  Or at least that is how I see it for now.  Give me a weekend (that's about all I have left of soda) and I'll be literally screaming because I'm going through caffeine withdraw.

So, let's hope I learn my lesson and see this as an opportunity to literally change my way of thinking. I'm going to either get this right in my head and have a real life changing moment or I'm going to struggle for the next 6 months and end up alienating friends, family, all my friends on FB and those horrible people at work (their not horrible....maybe this life altering situation will change them in my eyes....I'm not holding out hope) because I have worn out my welcome and they want me to stay at my house and they'll come see me when I have come to my senses.

If you feel like giving me an intervention, my schedule is pretty wide open but don't let that fool you.  I'm sure I'm going to need to start taking reservations before too long.  And there will only be a $20 reservation fee....so book soon.

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