Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my Female Parental unit

Happy Mother's've been a mother for over 36 years and are perfecting the art of it.

My Mom has been so awesome over the last several of years.  Not that she hadn't been for the preceding 33; rather, she's hit a rhythm.  I wasn't always the easiest to be around when I was in my early 20's. I tended to run away from things and let others deal with them.  My marriage brought me closer to her but I was still distant.  Something I'm not proud of but it was just what I did.  The end of my marriage skyrocketed my need for my mother.

I went through hell in 3 years and my Mom was always there.  She would come to KC to spend a week with me, then go home to spend a week with my Dad.  She did this for a year or more.  Most of the time it was because we like hanging out and shopping but for several months there it was because she HAD to be there or I was going to crumble.  She put her life on half hold until I was able to be on my own.

Now, she comes over and we spend a lot of time doing things together.  It's my fault when we butt heads; she tries really hard to not do that.  I like to think I'm getting better about that.

Mom has a son who has 3 very lovely daughters and this gives my Mom (and Dad) great pleasure.  I give them dogs and humor.

Happy Mother's Day to my fantastic Mother, a fellow "crafter", a teacher, a learning buddy, thrift shop buddy and an all around giving person.  I'm truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. This was/is the nicest thing you could have done for me and I thank you for it. I willcontinue trying to live up to it. I love you very much.'
