Milo was a God send. I had no intention of having a dog. My parents had a dog all my life but it was never my dog.
I moved away from my family for my 23rd year. I honestly can't remember when I moved away and when I moved back. I know it was over a year but not sure exactly when.
I went to a PetsMart one day with my sis-in-law, for her to get some treats for their dog and that is when I met the love of my life. He pushed his way into my lap in a ring of other dogs looking for attention. He literally curled up in my lap. He took my heart then and I filled out the paperwork immediately for adoption. Never mind the rental agreement at the apartment complex or my roommate. I did not discuss this decision with anyone...
The first year was so much fun. I'd drink and pass out for hours. Milo would go hungry and thirsty for hours on end. When I start to drink, I would get angry. Why was all this on me? Why did I have to do these things? So I lash out at Milo and did terrible things to him. Through it all, he loved me and never shied away from me. He was a great dog.
Milo became an old man. He loved to roll around on his back in the middle of the livingroom. He would spend an obscene amount of time staring at you if you had something that smelled good (or bad for that matter.)

But he never changed. He still loved me and would still bump his head into my lap or under my chin. He wouldn't move as fast as he used to but he managed to make the jump up and down from the very tall bed I slept in and managed to find his spot on the bed with him at my feet.
His passing has been horrible. It's only been about 2 weeks and I can't believe he's gone. I can't believe they are BOTH gone. After I found out about Willow coming sooner, I started crying. I stood in front of their pictures and cried and talked to them. I wanted them to know that I was not loving them any less and I definitely did not think she was going to replace them in my heart. But I was so miserable about sleeping alone and being alone in the house. I hadn't been alone for over 14 years. I didn't like it.
So, I miss my little man. I want him back. I would do A LOT if I thought it would bring him back. But it's not going to happen. I have so little amount of control over that. So I'm spending my next several years with a new baby. She'll be a good addition to my life.
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