But I do have to report on my dire situation. I think people thought I was over exaggerating. I kind of was but that was until the next day after my post and I realized that I was not fucked as I thought....no, I was SEVERELY TOTALLY COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY fucked. I literally was struck dumb with what I found the next day. I actually pulled the contract out and I was speechless.
So I was a little more in trouble then I thought. And so I caved and I asked my Mom for help. Which I hate to do. I hate that I am 36 and she has to come bail me out. This is where I was saved.
Now, I know we all (maybe its just me) have these things about our Mom's. I hate it when she's right. I hate it when I have to ask for help and I hate it when she doesn't mouth off. Sounds strange, I know. But that woman is calm, cool and collected; on average. Just like everyone, she gets angry and hurt. She just tends to hold it in. Never the fighter. Something I struggle with because I'm mouthy, I try to stay calm but tend to get my hackles raised and I don't have the ability to find money where there just doesn't seem to be.
My Mom has saved our family (both as a unit and as satellite units). We tease her that she is so cheap that she would make a wooden nickel buffalo poop. We tease her about it a lot. When, in reality, she has not only coasted her and my Dad through unemployment issues in the past but I probably owe that woman $10K. She's forgiven most of that and has been nice as to let me make payments on the little amount I have now. My Mom does that because she loves me. I frustrate her I'm sure (I know) but she sets those things aside and is my Mom.
So...yes, I've been saved. But not total good has come from this. I still have money issues. I've still got bad behaviors. But the thing that keeps me going is not that I know my Mom will bail me out again but that I've got an ally with her. She wants me to succeed if for nothing else then to get paid back the couple grand I owe her. She wants her money!!!!
So....because I'm not good with emotional thank you's (or really anything emotional) I want to express my utter, deepest, grateful and loving gratitude for my Mom Sherri.....
For being there when I was shy about asking questions because I just didn't know things.
Thank you for telling me that I was smart and worthwhile.

For letting me yell at you and say things that I wish I never said and then letting me come back and apologize
Thanks Mom!
What else can a mother do for her children and for a child in need but saave them, one way or the other. That's what mothers do. And we still love our children. As we have said while you and your borther were growing up, we will always love you, just not your behavior. My love for you will never go away.
ReplyDeleteSo, when's the next payment coming???