Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm a proud but hesitant Momma

First and foremost....I humbly, with great regret and shame faced apologize for what I am about to reveal...

Well, actually first I want to say YA!!!!!! for Willow.  She pooped outside this morning.  We've been working on this for the last week and I know that a week is like nothing, its a great accomplishment for us. I don't remember having to potty train my last 2 dogs. I think Milo came trained and I think we kept Sissy in a kennel for about a day and then she was done. Of course there is the occasional accident but it was probably due to the need rather then the spite I thought they did it.  But Willow is older and never trained (I know...the bastards that bred her out are on my list of "I"m going to rough you up if I ever get my superhero powers") <--I'm trying to cut down on the cussing.

So the big deal, that I texted people about and will be posting here is because I feel like we're making so much progress.  She curled up in my lap this morning and fell asleep.  She is really just melting my heart.  There is something I read the other day and that was - Sometimes they Rescue Us....Milo saved my life when I adopted him.  Sammie saved us from having a life with calm and less hair (kidding Sissy) and I think Willow is here to rescue me from slipping into a troubled time again.  She's saving me from myself.  She was totally worth the 90 minute drive and return.  She made it worthwhile for Joe (I think) but whatever she is doing, she is definitely putting love in my heart.

So, here is the part I'm apologizing for....Willow has about 6 outfits.  She has an adorable trench coat, a nice baby blue sweater, a couple other tops. Just cute....and I have plans to make her some more.  Nothing gaudy or over the top.  No costumes...

So, I formally apologize to every person I have EVER seen and made fun of that clothe or carry their animals.  I am sorry I muttered under my breathe that they were insane or irrational.  I would scoff at those that carry their animals.  I rolled my eyes and told people about them later. I do acknowledge that I ridiculed them afterwards and called them Kick Me Dogs (although I still kind of hold on to that one because I do have to carry Willow down the stairs right now, I will not allow her to yip, jump up on people and just look like they could actually make a field goal if kicked from a distance).

OK....I think I'm done.  I just wanted to get that on the record.  I'm admitting a wrong...I'm getting better.  I'm good for the next 10 or so years before I have to apologize again.

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