Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The why of the matter....and then pictures

I was reading one of the other 48 blogs I follow and I found myself yawning through some of them.  I kind of did that snobby thing where I asked myself why the hell did I continue to read these blogs over and over again. Nothing original in them.  They pontificate about this that and the other.  I was tired of reading someones attempt to sound cool or in the know.  Then I asked myself why the hell did I blog about things? I know there has to be people out there reading me (not just the 4 I see) and I have to wonder if I am writing anything original or if I am pontificating about things.

I know for a fact that I didn't start this to make a sensation. At the point of the beginning of this blog, I was only reading one blog.  And that was a blog that I had been reading many years prior to the first post on my blog.  This guy had a lot of followers and was super funny.  He would talk about guy things (like poop etc) and I really enjoyed that. Tells you something about me.  And then things started happening, he was recognized for his blog by People Magazine, he was one of the 100 beautiful people in that year.  And that was fantastic.  Until he stopped blogging because he was writing a book.  I kind of got a little bitter because I had spent some wonderful years slacking off at work so I could read him. Fucker let success go to his head.  Although I am friends with him personally on Facebook and follow his FB page for his book. I still enjoy reading his blog.

So, why do I blog?  I don't really know. I had a great story or two that I thought people might like. Vanity I'm sure.  I've always wanted people to laugh at stuff I say.  I want to bring insight to others...albeit sarcastically.  And I went through a period there where I didn't blog at all. I had so much crappy things to say that I just didn't feel like even opening up over that.

Now, I read a couple of blogs and I am fascinated with how they communicate.  What pose they put around their thoughts.  I don't think I'll ever be like that.  But I think I'm good for a couple poop and fart jokes!

I feel like I should have a theme and I don't have one.  I should be more organized with my thoughts and have really great stories to tell.  I don't put together posts well before I post. I tend to just write what is on my mind and go from there.  So I'm a little disjointed and probably not as entertaining as I think I am.  But it's good therapy for me, it gives me an outlet to get stuff out of my head.  I had that 30 days of posting that would allow me to post something for 30+ days around topics I got from another blogger.  That gave me something to write about.

So I think I"m going to make a more formal approach for this blog.  I think I'm going to give myself an opportunity (not necessarily that I HAVE to do it each week) to talk about something each week.  I'm going to have a picture of the week and give background or comments on it.  And then I'm going to have a day where I post about something I found funny that day.  Not that I am going to post 2 times every week.  That's leaves me with too much of an opportunity to fail.  No, I"m giving myself some structure.  And I am always in need of structure.

Picture of the day:

I have become obsessed about Willow's attitude lately.  She seems withdrawn and almost pouty.  She just isn't herself but I'm being told that I'm over analyzing so I've been keeping it to myself.  But right now, she's upstairs on the bed and I'm downstairs in the livingroom.  In the 3+ weeks I've had her, she hasn't been away from me for more then a minute or two.  Let alone a full level away.  So I'm not sure what is going on. My fear is that I am actually losing my dog.  She's stopped liking me or at least done kissing my ass for saving her.  I now have a dog that elusive and cold....I see the irony in that; I'm elusive and cold.  All I wanted was a dog that was like The Dogs...I'm getting one that doesn't particularly want to be around me.  Awesome!  I'm pouting a bit and I'm a little hurt.  It may be something that changes any day down the road but for the last 5 or 6 days, she's been distant.  But it is what it is...we'll get to a point that she'll be comfortable and so will I. I just need to stop being unreasonable and over obsessive.  That's not helping the matter.

So the picture of the week...I took this picture of Willow the other day and thought it was pretty close to the bat picture.  I have to admit that she's cute but people still think she's "ugly"...either way, I love her.

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