Saturday, June 11, 2011


Off Grid 2011

Kennedy Edition

Yeah, so the Off Grid weekend was not stellar. Mostly because I was just so not in the mood. I started off with great intentions but then I had a friend come over Friday night and that kind of put me in the mood to fuck off.  So I watched a movie and then a TV episode and then another.  And, around 9:30 pm...I realized that I was "On the Grid" and loving it.

I went to bed early and slept late.  Which is kind of my MO....and then I kind of did nothing.  I really am not sure what I did on Saturday so its a loss.  Sunday is when I hit my stride.  I finished 3 projects that I had started so very long ago.
Purple Scarf
My new little monster
Felted hearts for gifts to friends

So Sunday was a really productive day of the Off Grid 2011. I kind of got in the groove.

Going into 2012...I'm going to become a little more prepared. Maybe literally unplug things.  Write up a schedule and try to stick to it.  Maybe have a cause or something that keeps me engaged? I don't know.  I just think it's something I'll have to make special so I can make it through and feel like I'm making a difference. Even if it is only in my little world.

I'll start the campaign early next year and see who I can get enrolled in the cause. I hope to have a definition around the campaign so we know why it is we're doing this.  Other then to prove that I can step away from my digital life. What are we unplugging? Our minds or our footprint?

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