Friday, June 3, 2011


Here's how this is going to go....

1. I am going to send out one last email to my Mother to assure her that I'm not going to end up in some crack den off Troost Avenue and have a new boyfriend named Wooshie Washington (I have actually seen a person names Wooshie - I'm hoping its a nickname).

2. I have a list of projects and books I'm going to work on or get involved in.  I don't expect I'll get all of them done but I do want at least one project and one book finished.

3.  I have a list of all chores I would like to get done.  Mainly my laundry and dishes.  I'll work on the vacuuming and cleaning my room when I find the time.

4. I have a small supply of chocolate and fruits. Chocolate because Aunt Flo is craving it and fruits because that is the sweetest stuff I'm going to be eating for the next 40 days.

5. Notebooks to write in.  I have this one notebook made out of a music album (ABBA!!!!!) and it's a bit bigger then normal. I've been doodling a lot in it.  I used to have a really hard time doodling. Mainly because I tried too hard to make it look cute....casual too...I never really succeeded.

6. Willow - she is 3,000 times better today. I took her to the vet and have her on some pain meds. She kind of strained her neck (not sure how) and its like I have my puppy back.  Hopefully she'll be on the mend and the next 2 days will be better then before

7. My iPod.  Because I won't open my computer, I have to have music on my iPod. I spent a whole night  getting my iPod updated.  I think I'm going to really like the different music.

8. Energy....I'm actually really looking forward to this.  I want to relax and just be present.  Cuddle with Willow and meditate on what I have in my life.

Now....this could all fall apart around 8:27 tonight.  Turning everything off is going to drive me crazy, I know this.  And its not because I just can't be unplugged, its because I will be totally alone. Something I don't like being anymore.  So this is just as much of a lesson for me to get off the grid but its also going to teach me that being alone is not bad....but if you would like to visit, I think most of you have my address.  Bring a date...we'll get this party jumping. I suspect that this will be in my head all weekend...

Word to your Mother!

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