Friday, June 10, 2011

Porn in the worst way

Yes, I said porn.  I'm not too shy to admit that I have seen a few movies. I don't find anything about the ones I've seen to be taking advantage of women (or men in some instances) or even dirty. I'm sure that is because I don't find a lot of things dirty. If someone thinks it up and does it, it's not dirty to them.  If I do something others think is dirty...I'm pretty sure I don't think its dirty.  People need to keep their nosey noses to themselves.  If you don't like it, stop watching/listening/reading it and go take a nap.

Anywhooooo....where was I going with this?  Maybe because some time ago I stumbled onto a free porn site while looking for a different website.  That was enlightening....kind of took my time looking through that one.  I've always been a nosey one...

What the real reason for this post is that I find myself surrounded by the worst sort of porn for this person...a lady at work is thinking about starting to knit and wanted to just go look at yarn; kind of help her get motivated.  I, of course, offered to go with her and well, the rest is history.  Really not history but rather a porn movie with my favorite past-time rolling around on the floor with yarn, needles and many many different "tools" that can be used for pleasure. It involved putting things on and taking some things off.  There was the time that yarn fell and a bunch of it fell out of the cardboard wrap. It kind of got sweaty when we had to bend over so many times to look at all the different things on the shelves...I had to get a bottle of water I was so thirsty....

Came home and looked on YouTube and found a bunch of videos on how to do this, that and the other. Some are hard to see and some are so instructional.  Really a lot to choose from.

I could take this up a notch or two but thought I'd keep it rated PG.  Needless to say, I always get a little excited about what yarn I could use with whatever project I'm thinking about doing.  I really really want to learn more stitches but I haven't been able to pick them up in the book I bought.  I'm going to rewatch some of the video's on YouTube and see what I can find about the seed stitch and the cable stitch.  I have a lot of ideas for those in my life and I better get started now.

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