Friday, November 5, 2010

Horoscope 11/5/10

I think someone actually puts a camera in my house, car and work and then sends me cryptic messages disguised as horoscopes.  Most of the time they are crap and useless, I deleted them right away.  But just enough make me wonder and I think they saw me get dressed today...

Here's my horoscope for the day:

From time to time we all have to take a hard look at our lives to see where we are going. But when you think about your life an inner voice tends to criticize you Shannon. Today you feel that your life is far from being the way you think it should be. Try not listening to this voice or try to prove it wrong.

For some reason, the committee of 12 in my head is telling me to jump ship.  Not just from one thing or another but to jump off the Titanic, you have a better chance of surviving in the freezing cold water...with SHARKS!!!

Have I ever mentioned sharks terrify the shit out of me?  No?  Well, they do.  This picture actually terrifies me.  Makes me what to poop my pants. And I'm not kidding. I can't look directly at it, out of fear.  I refuse to watch Shark Week, it literally makes me cry. 

The biggest thing about this fear is that it is totally irrational.  I live in sharks in Kansas.  BUT...there might be one in a lake or river.  Any standing body of water.  If I can't see the bottom, my bottom is not getting in it.  Period.  Maybe when I was drinking but not as a sober human being.  If I am close to water, like in a boat or something.  I'm in the middle of boat, away from the sides because those fuckers can LEAP out of the water and take a man down...I want no part of that.  So I tend to just NOT go on the water.  So far, I haven't missed anything.  I don't get 3rd degree sunburns by sitting in a cabin or under a tree.  I don't puke at the end of the day because I've ingested 2 kegs worth of beer.  And I haven't had to compete with other women to show off my tits...overall, I think I have the better afternoon.

I had to take the picture out while I was typing this.  The picture is just too graphic for me.

So back to the point of this horoscope blog that has gone so terribly wrong.  I want to jump ship because it just seems like it would be so much easier then actually doing anything else.  I have a kitchen full of dishes, my craft room is now a small 8th wonder of the world and I have vacuumed 3 times because my bastard dogs are not done shedding yet.  And I have 18 projects I have to get done in the next month and a half.  I have SHIT TO DO....and I am finding myself doing everything but those things. 

I have a group of people coming over tomorrow.  It has been my goal all week to get my house straightened out just enough to actually feel comfortable with them there.  A week....I picked up my living room because Crawford came over last night. I know she wouldn't have cared what it looked like but I was embarrassed.  not embarrassed enough to actually clean. I merely transplanted that stuff to the craft room.  I'm thinking of going and buy hazard tape and putting it across my whole craft room so no one would get hurt if they waded in.

Mr Burke is also coming over (and he'll meet some friend and family - poor guy).  So that means I have to clean upstairs; my bedroom.  .  My bedroom has not had a visitor for awhile so it's been eye opening to see what I have been living like for 3 years.

With all of this said, my house is not really dirty, just disheveled.  I'm not big on cleaning because it's just me.  But, since I'll have company on a more frequent basis, I've got to take a stance now to get it in shape so it's just easier to maintain on a regular basis. I used to be RIGID about cleaning when I was married.  Sunday was the day to clean house and I would take about 4 hours.  But that was a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house with a semi-finished basement.  And a dog that loses more hair in a week then I do in a year.  She is seriously a shedder.  Sunday was also the day I would go through the house and straighten all the pictures and paintings.  I was trying to channel Martha Stewart...

BUT....I am not a hoarder.

That is a lot of shit.


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