Sunday, June 12, 2011

Up Up Up in the Air

Memorial Day weekend my in-laws came to town.  I mean ALL the in-laws. They all converged on Joe's house and I was blessed to be able to spend a lot of time with them.  I know, when people divorce they are supposed to move apart and it's unusual to keep in contact with the extended family.  But Joe and I have never been conventional in our lives after the divorce; our lives together yet apart.

One of my sister-in-laws and her husband have hot air balloons.  The first time I met Joe's family was Thanksgiving.  As we were pulling into town Joe noticed the family in a field.  The whole crew was there getting ready to pack the balloon back up.  Not knowing any of these people, I managed to walk over and not talk to anyone. Long story but I managed to meet his father as I knocked his knees out from under him. Great first impression.

Within the last 13 years, I was able to fly one time and crew a bunch of other times.  And its always been fun. A bunch of people walking around, carrying ropes and chutes.  Everyone knew everyone.  It's a great society!

So I got to take my 2nd flight the week of Memorial Da.  For me, it's hard to do because I hate heights but when you get up in the balloon and it's several hundred feet in the air? It's magical.  The pilot, my ex-brother-in-law, has been flying for years...years!!!  And he is good.

So, I wanted to share some of the pictures I took. I get a lot of compliments when I take pictures.  This is something I would really like to delve further into but that takes money.  So, I use my cheapy little digital camera and try to get something good with it.

The other balloon we flew with

I love this picture, we were this low at one point

As we were landing
Flying across the highway

Where we took off from

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