Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Into my own hands

I plan on, single handedly, ending the era of bad muffin tops.  Yes....I can say with authority, that I am going to end this. Or maybe just my circumstance.

Why the perseverance?  Because I saw me from behind today and HOLY SHIT.  I'm a heifer.  I don't know what happened but shame on me for not seeing where my ass and hips and waist and boobs and chin are going.  I had lost contact with them in the last year and I've suddenly become the Pillsbury Dough Girl.

I started the HCG diet back in April but then Milo died and that was not a priority anymore. I just didn't want to cry anymore.  So cooking food that is supposed to be an exact weight, taken with drops of HCG and at certain times? Fuck that...I just wanted to eat and cover up the pain.  That was my excuse.

And that rolled into now...and my muffin top.  Roll in that I'm running out of clothes, each week after I buy good food I'll have to throw it out 2 weeks later, while I'm eating Wendy's Jr Cheeseburger Deluxe.  So I'll go to McDonald's just because for the next 4 days; its convenient.

So what does that mean?  I have to change A LOT of things.  Big thing that this requires, in relation to the HCG diet, is that I have to eat the same thing All The Time. There are several choices in the plan but the only ones I'm going to use is Chicken, Beef and Crab.  Elk, Buffalo, etc....not an option. And you can't have any sauces or condiments. <~~~~~~ That's hard to do when all you have is plain old chicken!!! So I have to buy the food, cook it and eat it....not three things I can do together. At least not in the past.

AND...don't cheat.  No soda, no chocolate, no carbs, etc... you shouldn't work out.  All water, tea and coffee you can drink.  No sugar, just Teva natural sugar. Because it will erase all the good that the diet and HCG is doing.  I figure the less food I'm eating is going to be the big change that I need. And for the week I did it, I wasn't hungry for the most part. It was more that I missed the eating crap then anything else.  I am a huge boredom eater.  If I sit too long, I start looking for things to quench my impulses. Or if I'm upset, or if I'm excited or if I just want to eat one color or if.......

And its not like I have to do this for the rest of my life. It's 40 days.  40 days of 3 citrusy drops a day.  40 days of 2 meals with 3 ozs of meat, a veggie, a fruit and Melba toast. 40 days is all I have to do.  It's all I have to commit to. And it promises that you can lose upwards of 2 pounds a day.... What is there to argue with? It's what got me the first time.  It just seems like it would be too easy.   I just know that I can't seem to commit to something like that because I get bored.  Its only 40 days though!  But I have to do something. I have no willpower but if I can lose 40 pounds or more....its worth not getting a Diet Dr Pepper for 40 days.  And whose to say I won't be "released" from the addiction of sugar that seems to grip me.

Because I don't think I'll ever see this in my lifetime...my motivation is to not see me falling out of my pants again.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that plan sounds so complicated!! I am totally a boredom eater. Losing weight is a bitch. I'm rooting for you!

    Do you think anyone at your work would want to do a weight challenge with you? Or would you even wanna do that? I and 5 guys on my team do a weekly weigh in. It's helped me out a lot-- on my own, losing 0.2 pounds a week seriously pisses me off. But for some reason, when I do it with them, I'm a winner.

    Another thing that helped me when I went off candy...I got a huge calendar, and every day I stuck to my goal I crossed out with a big red X. Once I got going, I couldn't quit because I didn't want my X streak to end.

    Anyway, if you want to post your weight or send me an email once a week, I would be happy to do anything I can to help. Oh! And take your measurements, too!

    Go Shan go!
