Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is my 100th post. 

I feel like it should be something spectacular. Something that will make a difference, something that will catch a person's eye that is just jumping from one blog to the next, just trying to find one special.

Instead it's just another post about nothing.  I mean I've talked a lot on here about random things.  I've said relationships, dating and love 5 times in the labels section.  The only thing that beats that is the 7 times I've said Milo.  I gave up on using the label things because I don't think it actually was doing anything for me.

I don't know what I thought I was expecting with this blog.  I seem to have clammed up lately and I don't know what to say on here anymore.  That's not to say I'm going to stop spouting off.  I like to hear myself type.  And I really like to hear what you have to say about what I have to say.

So...what can I leave you with?  I'm glad you've either just started reading or that you've been reading me all along.  I appreciate each and every comment.  I more then appreciate that you read me at all.

My commitment for the next 100?  I can't commit anything because l have zero control over my life at this point.  Not for lack of trying but because God knows how funny I look when I try to do things my way.  My 12 Step program likes to subtly tell me that I have no control and God just hammers it home in his not so subtle way.

Thank you everyone for allowing me to rant about the shit in my life.  Whether you read me once or regularly, thank you...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! And I'm going to shabbyblogs--I always like your backgrounds!
