Sammie was only a couple of months old when we adopted her but she was born with a way to drive myself (and I think the practice husband) crazy. She whined. All the time...just because. I know I was concerned at first but quickly became annoyed (which is not hard to do). She just wanted constant attention. Not hurt or needing something, we'd run through the possible needs she might have. We'd fret around the house, asking her if this was it or maybe that....sometimes it would be food or water. Needed to go outside. But most likely it was 1) rub my belly, 2) pat my belly, 3) tickle my belly or 4)play with me. It was ALWAYS a plead for attention. So her whining became a source of frustration for us.
Sammie became Sissy because I just loved that name. I know it caused countless hours of frustration and general pissed off feelings for the practice husband. He named her Sammie and that is her name. So I will admit that I did call her Sissy at the beginning as a rouse to torture him but then it became her name; in my head. I call her Sis, Sissy Girl, Sammie Leah and Samantha Leah when she's in trouble. That last one irritates me because my Mom called her that and I repeatedly told her that Sammie's name was NEVER Samantha. Stop calling her that...only to find myself calling her Samantha Leah when she's in trouble.
Fast forward and you get a 12 year old Sissy Girl who still whines (non-stop) but is a much more calm girl.
Sammie has always been a belly slut. She will flip onto her back in an instant and offer her belly up to you for her amusement. She actually purrs. She will sleep with a constant snore and when you rub her down, she'll purr like a cat. Also like a cat, she will follow the sunbeam across the floor when it's sunny out. She'll sit outside for an hour; even when it's 102 degrees. Come in panting and when she cools down from that, she'll go right back outside.
This is my favorite of my Sissy Girl and is what I have up in my office and home |
And Milo gets a brushing too. He loves it.
Next post will be about Milo. Thank you for indulging me in my need to document the two "children" I have. They are truly special to me.
My Lilly whines/cries ALL the time. Always has since we adopted her 8 years ago. She has lumps on her, too. Vet said they were like pimples, and Vet squeezes them when we visit. *gag* Hard to believe she'll be 11 this year.