Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 2

I don't know if I was any more productive this week because, looking back, I didn't get that much done.

  • Walking
    • This last week was better, weather-wise. I managed to do 6.5 miles. I didn't walk yesterday because I was out of town and Milo had a yard to do his business in.  And I didn't do a full mile on Thursday because I was coming down with a cold and wasn't sure I'd make the mile. But 6.5 is pretty good.
  • Goals for the next week
    • Well, first, my goals for last week were not met.  
      • I wanted to get my emails down to a reasonable level and I can tell you that I did not achieve that.  As a matter of fact I managed to increase my emails.  I was out of the office on Friday because of my cold so I'm backed up again.
      • I wanted to get through my laundry and I didn't not get to it all.  I was able to put away a few but between getting a cold and being somewhere outside of the house, I didn't get a lot done.
    • This coming weeks goals
      • I want to go to the gym at least twice next week and at the minimum do 20 minutes of cardio.  This may be somewhat of a challenge since I'm getting over a cold but I think it's doable.
      • Emails - I'm going to put this down again because its something that needs to be done.
  • Savings
    • I did not put anything into savings but I also did not take anything out of savings
  • Weight Loss
    • I have to admit I'm glad I have a cold. I have no appetite and have lost about 4 pounds.  I realize that will come back when I start to eat again but I'm also hoping that my "habit" of eating all the time will be broke with this cold.  I can only hope
  • Activities
    • It was my Dad's 65th birthday on the 2nd and I helped plan and execute a surprise birthday party. So I spent most of the day with the parental units.  It was a nice way to spend the day with them and see some of their friends.  They've got a great group of friends.
    • I didn't really do much else because I was sick.  But it was kind of nice to just veg.  I'm currently watching season 3 of Ugly Betty.  I had no desire to watch it when it was on TV but for some reason, I like it.  I'm kind of hooked.
    • Shot at the Bullet Hole.  Did I tell you that I bought a gun? I think I did but could be wrong.  I did and I'll post about that later.  But I'm trying to go shooting every Wednesday because its free range fees for women. So I've been going for a month or so.  I like going because it's a stress reliever but it's also a way to help me focus on one thing.  And I want to get to a point where I feel comfortable with the gun and able to shoot with accuracy.  But this Wednesday was HORRIBLE.  I keep track of how many bullets I shoot and how many hit the target....I was way off on Wednesday.  But that's OK, it takes time to get used to the guy and then more time to hit with accuracy.
  • Chores
    • I cleaned the kitchen, dining room and living room.  I started downstairs because that is what people see and I had a few people over and I didn't want to make excuse for why this place looks like a shit hole.

So this last week was a good start.  Not great but a good start.  I'm going to make a point of getting active again.  I really do want to lose some weight.  I'd like to get down to a reasonable size by the end of the summer. I don't think it's unreasonable...

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