Sunday, April 24, 2011

This is what scared looks like....

First...I suck at blogging. I honestly think I'm getting dumber.  Is that the right grammatical way to say I'm be less smart...I blame it on soda and ice cream. I seem to be getting higher and higher pounds on me and so my brain is making room.

But the real reason I find myself on my computer on Sunday at 1:51 in the morning is because I feel like I lived through something this last couple of days.  It was actually one of my biggest fears.  I thought I was going to lose Milo.

Now, Milo is 16 and bless him...he deserves some peace and quiet.  But I came home on Thursday and he was a hot wet mess.  He couldn't get off the bed.  When I got him off the bed, he couldn't walk straight. Every few minutes he would have a case of the shakes and he would whimper. I don't think that I reacted right away because, while not normal, it was still kind of funny.  Until I got a better look at him.  He wasn't able to look straight.  He did circles and then he suddenly went slack.  I grabbed him and got out the door and to the vet in about 5 minutes

After a lot of discussion and an x-ray, I took him home. Mostly because the $300 vet bill was more then I could afford and the next round of tests would have been blood work and that was another $150.  I told them that I would take him home for a bit and if needed, I'd bring him back the next day.

Looking back, I am actually very proud of myself. I don't think I over reacted.  He slept for about 15 minutes and then jump up and get disorientated.  I'd jump up and pace the perimeter of the bed so he wouldn't fall off.  That went on for a couple of hours.  It was about 1:00 am that I figured out that I could take him off the bed and that way I could still sleep.

Friday found him better. Not 100% but definitely better. I think we agreed it was a stroke.  Seems like a minor one but still scary.

Saturday brought him doing laps around the downstairs.  I don't know that I was every happier then I was to see him get a little pep in his step.  For a 16 year old dog, he's pretty spry.

And the one thing that I did? I stayed calm. I truly did.  I'm really proud of myself.

But the thought of Milo leaving me?  That is what scared looks like...

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