Friday, March 18, 2011

It happened

I came home last night and found Sissy Girl lethargic and feverish.  Got her to an emergency vet and within an hour and a half she was gone. There were tumors in her stomach and spleen.  She was lethargic because of blood loss from the tumors in her stomach.  The only other option was to do surgery and I did not think that was really an option for her.

Called the parental units and let them know.  Called the practice husband; who came to the vet and sat with us when it was time.  And waited for the vet to come back with the stuff.  She wasn't actually aware I think.  She wasn't feeling good.

First syringe was to put her to sleep, under sedation.  She just kind of closed her eyes and slept.  I couldn't stay for the syringe that stopped her heart.  I couldn't watch her die.  Joe stayed with her.  He went above and beyond and I'm so glad he was there. I just wasn't able to do that.  Probably a chicken shit way to do it but I think she wasn't aware of me being there after going to sleep.

I'm having her cremated and I'll keep her ashes.  I want to find a container for them; so I can put them on a shelf.

I have to say that I thought Milo would go first.  I wasn't prepared for this.  It was sudden.  But it was the best thing for her.

Now, today....I keep expecting her to jump up on the bed, start whining or shed a pound of hair in 3minutes.  I listen for her and expect to see her out of the corner of my eye.

It was weird walking only Milo.  It'll be weird not brushing her everyday.  The belly rubs and chasing her around the house.  The crowing....I'm going to really miss her talking to me when I come home.  I just bought 50 pounds of dog food...this is going to last us a couple of months.

Sissy girl was a great dog, she was the most loving dog I've ever seen and she was the biggest belly whore!  You could win her over within 2 minutes if you just bent over and rubbed her belly.  No loyalty after that!

I hope she knows how much she is going to be missed. I hope she knows how much she is loved.

 Thank you God for giving us the best Sissy Girl.

1 comment:

  1. Shan, I am so so so sorry! She was a very lucky dog to have you for her mom. I don't know what to say except I'm so sorry and I am crying for your loss. We had our Rascal buried. I took pictures of him in his casket, and I'm glad I have those pictures. I think I'll visit his grave tomorrow, and I'll give a special remembrance for Sissy Girl.
