Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tattoos and Burger King

Many people ask me why tattoos.  And I'm not sure I know why.  I got my first one when I was 23 and I've gotten more over the 13 years.  I have 8 and I have plans for many more. 

When I got my first tattoo it was like $50 and that was for color. That's impossible now.  Of course my first tattoo is the one I regret. I think every woman gets a tattoo because it sounds good and we choose something that is pretty recent type of like. Mine was Winnie the Pooh. And the classical one, no red shirt. Naked little bear. And on my right hip. Which now looks like an accordion because my belly now has belly's. And I shortly, after that, stopped collecting Winnie the Pooh because it was childish. But it's there the rest of my life.  Didn't think that far ahead really.
So I wish I had gotten something a little more general

My 2nd tattoo was just like every other woman in her mid 20's...I have Chinese symbols that mean To Kill Fire.  Now I'm assuming that these symbols mean that.  For all I know, they mean "Fuck Off" because the Chinese people are tired of 20 somethings getting Chinese symbols tattooed on them and so they only write up naughty ones.  This comes in handy when around a Chinese person, they then know that you are marked as the white person that has no reason to have Chinese letters on them.  I totally fall into that category.  And Google wasn't around at that point so I went off the big book of symbol's at the tattoo parlor.  I'm hoping I'm OK.  The reasoning behind the tattoo was that I "killed fire" at that time in life.  I was a firefighter for a couple of different houses.  It was honestly the best job I have ever had.  It was a rush when the sirens went off and to calmly walk into a fire engulfed house?  God it was awesome.  One of the old timers actually told me that I had the soul of a fire fighter.  That was a huge compliment.  This is something I should have gone into, I would have been a good one.  Instead, I let a boy run me off and I will always be angry about that.


I thought long and hard about the 3rd tattoo, I really did which was a total change for me. So I asked a lot of people (not really), I researched it (not at all) and then...and this is a good one,  I took my practice husband to get matching tattoos on our 2nd wedding anniversary.  I thought it would be romantic.  I got the infinity symbol on my back, he got the same one on his chest.  Really kind of romantic but we got tattoos on our anniversary instead of going out to dinner, although we went to Burger King after the tattoos...kind of classy!  Now, like the rest of my marriage, I did not ask practice husband if he wanted a tattoo.  I just told him that that was what we were doing.  Another reason I'm divorced.  He probably didn't want one but couldn't stand up to me.  I feel bad about that one.  But I went about a year and a half after the divorce and had it covered up.  Well, as much covering up you can do with black.  I had a heart put over it because I wanted my heart back. And I'm actually kind of pissed about that because the heart design that is there is not what I wanted.  But try telling a tattoo artist (who are typically antisocial and think highly of themselves) that he designed something you didn't'll get a shitty tattoo.  Knowing what I do now, I would have left the shop and found someone else.  But he was supposedly a really good artist.  I'm not fond of this tattoo.  But covering up the tat that matched the ex was a good idea.  Poor guy is stuck with him for do you explain to a new girl that you're getting naked with that you have the infinity symbol because of an ex.  I hope he comes up with a good story...

I have a martini tattoo on my ankle. When I was drinking I loved martini's and so thought it would be wise to put one on my ankle. It's just that I liked the thought of cocktail parties and the festivities around them. The design I have is very 50's and 60's looking. But this was before I stopped drinking. Now, I had a sponsor make a joke about might be an alcoholic if you have a martini tattoo on your ankle....I definitely had enough martini's to be an alcoholic...I still looks cool though.

I have my dog Milo's name name tattooed on my wrist. That one hurt! For what I put him through early in our relationship, he gets permanent ink.

This year I had them tattoo circles all over the top of my foot and it kind of wraps up my ankle. No particular reason for that one, just thought I'd like circles.  Really I wanted stars but everyone is doing stars, so I did bubbles.  The guy that did it was good but wanted to do them in colors and I said red...but they they're pink and purple.  Not happy about that one...and that one HURT like a have very thin skin on the top of your foot and so very sensitive.  I was always good with pain but even I had to have him stop a couple of times.  And it has taken a couple of months to fully heal.  Putting on shoes that had tops were pretty hard for a few weeks.  I think I may even have gotten an keloid scar on one of them.

I designed the 5 red poppies on my right shoulder.  It curves with my shoulder going onto the top of my arm.  I have a thing for red and I wanted a flower.  I spent about 2 weeks going through pictures of poppies.  I ended up using paint shop and Microsoft clip art and designed them.  Of course, most of this was done on company time.  I spent a lot of time fooling around with different tools.  By the end of it, I had 5 flowers all in a cluster.  I was going to do the same on my left shoulder but I'm afraid that it would look like I have shoulder pads or epaulets. 

Because I wear pants for the most part to work. Even with heels, most people can not see my tattoos.  When I wear dresses and not knee high boots, I get a lot of looks.  It's interesting to sit in a meeting, watching someone follow my tattooed wrist when I'm talking and gesturing. I tend to wear a watch over it but I occasionally have to stop talking and show them the tattoo so they'll be able to focus back on the meeting topic.
I have designs for more tattoos.  I want the pause button on my other wrist because I frequently should take a break or breath and having the "button" would help me remember do that. 

For my mom's 60th birthday, I bought her a tattoo.  She had been hemming and hawing about it.  I remember her being upset with me for getting my first couple but now she was thinking of getting one.  She did good through it but since she tends to have no tolerance for pain, it was not fun watching her do Lamaze breathing.

For my Dad's 64th, Mom and I took him to get his first tattoo.  He got the Air Force wings on his shoulder.  He was the hold out since my brother had a couple and Mom had one.  I'm not sure he actually REALLY wanted one but he loves his.  He tries to walk around with no shirt sleeves when working around the house.  Not sure either of them will get more but at least I'm not the only one with them.

If I had my way, I would have sleeves of tattoos, never on my face or neck but up and down my arms.  But I can't do that.  The one on my back sometimes shows through certain clothes and the one on my shoulder definitely shows some of the time.  But work has been really good with it.  Everyone knows that I have tattoos.  Which is interesting because I definitely come across as a hard ass and having a tattoo or 8 goes against the image they have of me.  And living in CupCake County (I live in one of the richest counties in the US), I don't necessarily fit into that image with the number of tattoos I have.

And this is a significant investment.  Anymore, you can't get out of the parlor for less then $150. And I have large designs in mind for the next couple. 

But my point of this blog entry is that I want to be the person that has more tattoos.  I would love to invest in the artwork that I would put on my body.  I would REALLY love to have my nose pierced.  Just a little tiny tiny tiny diamond stud.  But I could definitely never do that at my job.  But it's the look I'm going for.  Not that I am trying to become the type of girl that lives to roller derby (but then again...I would love to) and wear black.  But I want to express myself with my body and I want tattoos to do that.

At this point, in my life, I have to be content with the fact that I will probably be in Corporate America for several more years.  So the sleeves of tattoos is not an option.  And I have people in my life that are not particularly impressed with tattoos.  But they have to understand that while I appreciate their opinion, ultimately it is my body and my money.  And it will make me happy.

I'd LOVE to have a pin up girl on my back but I'm hesitant because I wouldn't see it then.  And I like to see my tattoos.  I have them for a reason.  I love gnomes too and that will probably be another tattoo.  Here are two of the tattoos I'd like.  The pin up will go up one side of my back and the turtle gnome will go on my thigh...

So I'll start saving up.  These two are going to take several sittings and I'm going to have to do a lot of talking to some in my life.  Hopefully they'll understand that this is something I want to do.  There are just some things that you can't change about who people are.

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