Thursday, November 4, 2010


My house has become overgrown.  I've been spending time at Mr Burke's and I swear he has next to nothing.  He's got a few things here and there but overall it's bare. 

In reality, he probably has the completely appropriate amount of things.  I walk into my house and I'm suffocating.  I have things on all my walls.  I have knick knacks on shelves and on coffee tables.  I have a work room that is PACKED.  It can be more organized in that room and I hope it will be eventually but overall, I am a pack rack.

My house is funky,  I like what I've done with the walls and furniture.  I like my dining room and living room.  I'm getting to a good place in my bedroom.  I can't change kitchen or bathrooms but they are still tastefully decorated. 

It's just that I have something everywhere.  When I first moved in, I had glass tables and couches.  I had nothing on the walls and nothing on the floors.  Very minimalistic and modern.  No one could touch a piece of my furniture...not without cleaning themselves first.  But about 10 months ago, I changed.  I decided to put some pictures on one wall. That was all.  But that kind of wet the whistle.  I decided to put up shelves on another's packed with little crap.

Then I bought a HUGE picture frame that I put over the fireplace.  I painted it with chalkboard paint and I write in chalk or draw things on it.  I then put pictures in frames IN the frame.  It looks really cool but that's more stuff.

I have rugs down and I really like them.  I have some plants that I haven't destroyed yet on a coffee table that has the obligatory coffee table book on it and then 3 small bird cages.

I have paintings all down my hall and I have pictures of dogs up all over the workroom.

I have a "3rd" bedroom sized storage area that is packed to the rafters.  I'm not kidding.  I don't think I could fit in a 2,000 square foot house comfortably.   I have stuff.

I normally, go through my stuff every 6 months or so and purge.  Like a serious purge.  I don't have sentimental stuff really.  It's just stuff.  So I think I'm going to have to go through my stuff in January and do a purge.  I need to get it under control because I refuse to open my door one day, to a camera man and organizational specialist and they start taping my personal Hoarder's episode.

Plus I think it would be nice to shop for all new stuff.

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