Saturday, January 15, 2011

A little house cleaning

My blog looks like crap...I've tried to find cool backgrounds that I like and I think people wouldn't find tacky. I've been fairly successful with that. But I just can't find headers that aren't for stuck up soccer moms that talk about their children, what they eat, how they enjoy a glass or two of wine while scrapping, how their husband doesn't pay attention to them and how they would love to have the minivan with doors on both sides.

Now, in my defense, I just don't identify with that so I find it useless. I know they are very good mothers that love their children and husbands. Me judging them is not nice.

I really don't want to pay someone to create a template for me but I think it's coming to that. Don't get me wrong, I love digging for backgrounds and headers (headers are my worst enemy). But I can never find the perfect one. I've tried Shabbyblogs, Smittenblogs, Dottydotdotdesigns, etc...and they all have really nice stuff but it's not me.

But I do have to admit that I'm not sure what I would want to use. I’m not one for themes and I don’t like a lot of the scrapbook looking backgrounds. I could work with the templates that are on the design portion of the blog but that still leaves me with needing a header. I don’t want animals or cartoon characters. I really don’t want to create something that is too cutesy. But I also am limited by knowledge. I’m sure there are websites out there that would do what I want to do. Mostly I use Microsoft Paint and Word. Seriously….I know this explains the state of my blog….

I’m just not sure I want to dig that deep into this. I spend a lot of time on it already and while I would like to spend more time on it, it’s typically during work when I do it so I’m kind of slacking at work.

I did purchase Adobe PhotoShop Essentials.  Mostly because we get an outstanding discount at work.  And I'm already lost in it.  I should do the right thing and read all the tutorials and FAQ's but I think we both know that I'm not going to do that or at least make it as a last ditch effort.  I want to get into it more because I really do like using Microsoft Paint. It's a challenge and something I can do without reading instructions.  But I'm excited to do something different.  Seeing better results hopefully.

So I'm leaving my header and background as is...although they are completely clashing.

Ah...another thing.  Name for this blog.  I like it-ish....I just have never come up with a good one.  Any suggestions?  If I pick yours, I'll give you something*...we'll discuss once you "win".

* - something could include monetary items or most likely fly swatters, ball of used yarn, a shamwowwie, or a handful of dog hair...all at the discretion of the prize committee (which consists of me and Sissy Girl)

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