Sunday, December 19, 2010

Next Week

I had Chinese tonight..which is a huge treat lately.  I'm starting to get some traction with the money issues.  Starting here on, it gets a little more flush.  Doesn't mean I go back to the way it was and I get myself back into a tight bind. No, my intention is to continue to live frugally and put together some savings.

But...I sense a setback.

I've had a really shitty couple of weeks.  Work mostly.  I have talked on here about my boss "Dick" and our exploits.  I have only told you the stuff that was pretty vanilla.  They were still more that maybe a little exasperated tales but still not very worrying.

Well, this week our love/hate relationship went pro.  The {expletive removed} actually took credit for my work AND he told me about it.  Came right up to my office, sat on the corner of my desk (closest to me even...freaking geek) and told me that he told my client about the idea and she wants him to go.  MOFO....I hit the roof.  No...hit the roof was when he would ask me to fill out, this....I lit the fuck up...I was so angry at that moment that I just sat there and stared at him.  I will admit that I very happyily plotted his death for the next 2 hours and then I started calling people.  I was shaking for the rest of the day.  I put some time in with some paperwork.  I was kind of hoping that I was over reacting and I just needed to calm down.  But the few people I talked to agreed that I was right to be angry.

Of course, I did nothing about it.  But this week seemed to be Dick's job to stab Shannon in the back.  I worked late for most of the week and I just put my head down and took it.  But I told the prick to do it himself.  Today, I told him what to do.  And today, I took a little bit of my pride back. 

Next week will be better because I've hit my limit.  I can no longer take his bullshit and lies.  I refuse to chuckle along when he makes remarks about how bored he is at his job.  And I will definitely no longer take his attitude. 

I have been looking for another job and as much as I hate to leave my company, I think it's time.  But in the meantime? I'm watching the little fucker and I'm taking notes.  That shit's gotta end.

So the setback comes in the form of anger which turns to depression which manifests itself in buying things and food.  Two things I do not want to go back to.  So, I guess, what do I do?  Start buying chewing gum and chew when I'm ready to start heating up a family portion of lasagna?  Do I wear a rubberband on my wrist and thwack myself when I want to buy a small fortune of diet coke?  I'm not sure I have the answers to this but I'm looking!

Next week is going to be different because it has to be...I can't do what I've been doing anymore. I'm missing out on life and friends. I want a life back.

Now I just need to find a way to work with Dick.

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