Monday, February 7, 2011

Here's my argument

I’m so tired of the bullshit, gossip and just plain rude people at work. I’m tired of doing a job that gets no kudos but tons of grief. I’d like to find a job that I can do something that makes a direct impact at least a couple of times a month. I’d like to be able to talk to people on a 1-on-1 level and not have to defend or placate. I’m tired of listening to others conversations about their kids, their in-laws, how their husband isn’t paying enough attention and how he grabs her boobs all the time. I’d like to make more money; being paid for my talents and work ethic instead of my inability to finish a degree.

While wishing…I’d like to get back to a size 10 body. I’m tired of having to squish myself into jeans and tops. I’m tired of having to readjust my bra every time I raise my hands over my head; showing half my fatty boob has fallen out of its cup and I now have to manipulate it back into the too small metal cage I try to corral it into. I’d like to be able to sit or bend over and not have to hike my pants back up in the back because my waist is now more then it was when standing and the pants fall down. I’d really like to be able to put my shoes on while standing and most definitely without gasping and hyperventilating before just sitting down and putting them on. I’d like to walk into a store and be able to wear something off the rack. I remember when men did look at me and not in horror. It was nice to see a guy turn his head when he walked by. That was kind of nice.

Maybe I should include money? Why not…I’d like to have a better handle on my money. Maybe I could learn to bank some money each check. Just a small amount but enough that over time, I’ll have a small nest egg. Is it possible to not live paycheck to paycheck? Can I actually actively manage my money; be present and accountable? I’d like to live on a cash system and pay for everything through dedicated means. I would never go overdrawn or only have $3.58 in my account for a week. Is it possible that I would learn that buying a 52oz of soda every day would add up to more then I really think it does? Where is my willpower?

I really need to find a man and preferably a rich one. Mostly rich so I can stop working here and find something that is less painful for my spirit and one I could actually love. I’m assuming that that job would make less then I’m making now. But I want a man because I’m lonely. I don’t like coming home to an empty home. I’d like to talk to someone about my day and ask about his. I want someone that is looking to be around me and wants to do things with me. I want to feel loved and wanted. I want to touch someone every day. I’m tired of sleeping alone and I’m tired of turning the lights off by myself. I want to fight with someone because then I know that they feel strongly about something and he wants me to understand his side of the coin. I want to be able to walk up behind him and hug him around the waist. I want to make him laugh and I want him to get my jokes. I want him to bring me things he wants to explain to me. I’m tired of walking my dogs alone. I am tired of eating alone.

So….I guess those are my complaints for the day….I have so many other pain points but I guess this is good for now.


  1. Ah...the corporate world. All bullshit, no productivity.

    Weight loss SUCKS! I wouldn't recommend my method.

    TOTALLY with you on the money thing. Next time, I'm getting a guy that makes more money than I do.

    "I want him to bring me things he wants to explain to me." I love that. An Ex used to complain because I didn't like or hadn't seen the movies he likes. I think he missed a great opportunity--let's watch it together and TELL me what's so great about it. It will be like he's watching it for the 1st time.

    I was just thinking yesterday that it may be time to make a new list of things I want in a guy. Hmmm....

  2. um. I have a degree and i dont know what placate means....but that is ok.

    I have a wonderful man! he is doing some community service tonight. all night. yikes! i will miss my back rub, but kiss him in the morning before I go to my job that provides an insane amount of money.

    I find it very worth while, but still yearn for that simple combination of a rewarding passion/purpose to my fellows. Maybe if I could do what I do for free it would feel more honorable. Who am I joking? The moon would turn a funny shade of green or purple the day I work 40 hours for free.

    I don't like the gossip either, but I find great joy in explaining to someone who is that I prefer not to get involved in such petty affairs. The look on their face is priceless!

    I think you will find the happy medium soon....either that or we will find you acting like that guy on "Lars and the real girl". Hey! I know what I am getting you for your birthday! Now....should he look like Larry the Cable Guy or a more like George Clooney? Doesn't matter! Larry is worth 40 million or something!

    Maybe, one day, while you are sweating over some critical service work for the more needy in your community....You meet a handsome fellow. A bit rough around the edges, but nothing a shower wouldn't rightfully improve. He takes you to lunch and then treats you to his favorite movie....Shawn of the Dead (sp). Later he reveals to you that he is independantly wealthy and wishes to save the whales. You must pack imediately to trot off across the globe to spread your new found glee.

    By this time....the color of the moon will be....hmmm...rainbow colors with unicorns jumping over it.

    It could happen!
