Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I had been throwing the idea of getting a Kindle around for about 3 months.  The reason I know 3 months is that I started thinking about how I hadn't picked up an actual book in over 2 months. I was reading little free books on my Android with the Kindle app.  It was wicked small but still, I read.  So I paid attention.  I spent the next couple of months actively trying to pick up a book but it just never happened.

Not because I'm so weak and couldn't pick up a book...although my wings on my under arms are getting disgustingly droopier and would really make a person wonder about my upper body strength.

It just seemed like I would want to take a book with me, in case I found myself unoccupied, but I would ultimately grab a book that didn't seem interesting at the time.  So I would grab a couple of books and this meant bigger purses and so on....after 3 months, I finally started looking at the Kindles.

So, for my birthday, I got a Kindle. The 3G and Wireless version.  Why? Because I go to places with no WiFi.  You would think that no WiFi would be few and far between but I know of 5 locations that I go to on a regular basis that don't have WiFi.  Cheap bastards.

And then you ask...why do I need WiFi everywhere...and I simply say, "because I want to". Looking back, I realize that I didn't need to have that one. I could have saved about $50.  But when I want something, I will pursue it to the ends of the earth....and then some.

I have around 350 books on my kindle now.  Project Gutenberg is a great website that I lifted most of those 350 from.  All are older and more classics then anything but I now have a device that I'm sure I'll find something I want to read when I'm stuck somewhere.  I'm pretty impress with what I have and Amazon is pretty good with selection.

I use my Kindle every day. And I mean that.  It gets me by some boring times.  If I have a slow moment; 15 minutes or something, I take it out and read until its time to do something else.  It was a really great idea for me to get.

With that said...I now want a Nook.

I haven't had my Kindle for a month and I'm ready for a bigger and better product.  I should have saved my money for another couple of months and just splurged. The big deciding factor though is that I'd have to start over on my collection.  My paid for books would be lost. I think it would be pretty easy for Project Gutenberg books to be downloaded as the Internet Explorer not found in the Kindle (or at least not a good IE is found) is better on the Nook and so it would be very simple to do a download.

Hindsight is 20/20.  But I know what I'm going to do with my Kindle and I know how much the Nook is.  Before too long, I'll have a Nook and I'll have to start over with my collection.  That is one

Since I refuse to buy an iPad, the Nook is the best alternative.

And you can touch it like your phone.  I keep tapping the hell out of the Kindle screen, waiting for it to pop up what I want. I'm a creature of habit.

As soon as I get some money piled up, this beast is mine.

Kind of a boring post...I promise to do better next time.

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