Saturday, December 11, 2010

Getting a Happy Ending

I had a massage the other day from Massage Envy.  Well, Massage Envy did not give me a of their massage robots did it.  This instance, it was a guy giving the massage.  I was looking forward to this because it has been months since a massage. So I got naked and under the blankets.

This sounds kinky but since I'm not seeing anyone and hadn't for several years (other then the very short amount of time with Burke), I occasionally crave to be touched.  Not in a sexual way, but just in a need to be touched. The human touch is soothing sometimes.

Most of my massages are with women. I'm not opposed to being touched by a man giving me a massage but really I just prefer woman.  I think it's because when married, I would get massages from the ex as a means to "the happy ending" so my body responds to that. And I think I've had 3 massages from guys since the divorce. And none of them brought a happy ending.

But the Massage Envy guy didn't bring a response from me either because I think he fell asleep during the 90 minute massage.  You know when you are half asleep and come up from that, not all the way but just enough to be half aware of what you are doing? Then you come awake suddenly...This is what I think happened with him.  He was working on my feet and then just started to slow down and creeped to a stop.  Couple seconds go by and then he does that half awake thing because he'll just start doing a little rub on my heel and then stop moving.  It's at this point that I actually feel his hands start to relax and my foot starts to drop.  This immediately wakes him up and he's back awake.

He does this for the other foot too.  At one point, I shake my foot to get his attention.  Wakes him up and he continues to the leg and beyond. Out of the 90 minute massage, the back got about 60 minutes alone because I don't think he knew what he was doing.  He fell asleep during that time period a couple of times too.

Needless to say, I was not impressed and I told the front office too. I got a free 30 minute massage.  I'll use that later this month.

Now, my most recent 90 minute massage was a different story. The lady I had was awesome.  She spent those 90 minutes roughing me up.  She did all the right areas and all the right pressures.  But she evoked a reaction that I hadn't had for awhile.

My left hip (not on the side but the top) has always been a spot that I react to.  I'm not ticklish on my feet or sides.  I sometimes get goosebumps when someone breathes on my neck or ears but that is usually about it.  But my left hip, if massaged, touched or all other sundry actions...I get a little restless.  Hm....restless sounds weird but I don't think you'd like to hear that my heart rate quickens, my breathing gets heavier and I start to tingle.  Other things happen but suffice it to say that I get a little turned on.

This didn't happen with the guy but it happened with my new lady.  She was massaging my thighs and started getting a little close to the hip and Oh My God.

Now, I did not leap off the table and molest the lady but I did tense up a bit.  For the majority of the massage before this I was totally in la-la land.  I was in my head, but just calm and serene.  But the calm and serenity came to a screeching halt and I went into frazzled mode.  It lasted all of 2 or 3 minutes and then she moved down to my feet and back over to the next leg.

It took me a couple of minutes to relax but I did and I had a great massage overall.  She was, without a doubt, the best masseuse I have ever had. And that is NOT because I lost my head. There was no Happy Ending.  If there had, the tip would have been much much bigger...

But she's the masseuse for my next no pressure but I'm not going to shave my legs so she can't do my legs or thighs.  That's my talisman, if I shave, things happen.  Don't shave and I go home alone and watch Red


  1. I wish I would get a happing ending at Massage Envy.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. You really think not shaving is going to keep your massage therapist from working on your legs? We actually don't notice or care if clients shave or not. How about you just use your brain, and simply TELL her which areas you would and would not like to have her work on?
